- 2019-05-03 玩游戏谁的错? Whose Fault of Playing Computer Games
- 2019-04-28 图书馆的乐趣 The Joy in Library
- 2019-04-24 动物该呆在哪里 Where Should the Animals Stay
- 2019-04-21 我的英语老师 My English Teacher
- 2019-04-16 好学生的定义 What Is a Good Student
- 2019-04-12 自信带来机会 Confidence Brings Chance
- 2019-04-08 生活需要挫折 Life Needs Setback
- 2019-04-08 真正的偶像 The Real Idol
- 2018-08-18 越穷越没时间 The Poorer, The Less Time
- 2018-08-18 学习英语的乐趣 The Funny Thing of Learning English
- 2018-08-18 我选择的路 The Road I Chose
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- 2018-08-18 父母的期待 Parents’ Expectation
- 2018-08-18 美好的明天 Wonderful Tomorrow
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- 2018-08-18 美丽的海滩 The Beautiful Beach
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- 2018-08-18 如何克服困难 How to Get Over Difficulty
- 2018-08-18 和孩子交流 Communicate With the Kid
- 2018-08-18 淘气的侄女 My Naughty Niece
- 2018-08-18 一位好老师 A Good Teacher
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- 2018-08-18 中国的文化 Chinese Culture
- 2018-08-18 好的情谊 The Good Friendship
- 2018-08-18 最美好的时光 The Most Wonderful Moment
- 2018-08-18 倒霉的一天 The Unlucky Day
- 2018-08-18 如何帮助人 How to Be Helpful
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- 2018-08-18 我做过的疯狂的事情 The Crazy Things I Have Done
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- 2018-08-18 别那么苛刻 Don't Be So Mean
- 2018-08-18 一位重要的老师 An Important Teacher